Tuesday, October 27, 2020

I've been rigorous in my diet. I'm shooting for about 1200 calories, with the understanding that if I underestimate or slip it will still be below 1500 calories.

I've been stuck at 185.2 pounds for three days. That seems to be the way of it. Plateau for several days, then a drop. I did wake up this morning with my belly feeling slightly slimmer. Anyway, my determination to get to 175 hasn't diminished, so I'm pretty sure I'll see this through. Should be done about Thanksgiving Day.

For motivation, I have a closet full of nice winter clothes I can fit into at 175.

Store is still doing fabulous. Amazing. What I think is different is that I'm paying each week as I go along. I'm still prone to over ordering, but so far each week has bailed me out by being better than I expected. I suppose I shouldn't count on that continuing, but still, it's a huge improvement in procedure and one I should strive to maintain. (Budget!!!!)

I'm outside on the patio, trying to enjoy the day and keeping Jasper company. (His back is turned to me and he barely acknowledges my presence. He's still pissed about the Monster.) Anyway, I barely sit down and tractor guy comes out and tries to start his tractor. And it doesn't start. I'm restraining a Simpson's like, "Ha, Ha!!!"

Damn. He got it started...


The Monster runs from me, refuses to let me hold her. I've never had a pet who does that. 

So I guess I'll ignore her. Nothing says I have to like the critter. At least Jasper likes me.


The publishing industry seems intent on creating a graphic novel of every license--especially YA. I mean, how the worm turns. We've gone from-- "I won't let my kid read comics" to "Oh, look! A graphic novel of "Slaughterhouse-five!" 

Diamond seems to be offering Independent bookstores a special deal that as far as I know they haven't offered comic shops. So I posted it on a comic discussion page--and no one responds. This seems to happen. I'm not a Name in the comic industry so not much interaction. 

Oh, well. I still subscribe to Groucho Marx's comment: “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”


I'm slowly working my way through my short story. It is going to be twice as long as it should be--technically within the guidelines, but pushing it. But I'm just not eager to get acceptance or rejection from the publishing industry anymore. Just writing for my own enjoyment. 

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