Sunday, March 13, 2011

The problems so far.

So the problems I see so far --(there may be others that Linda or Jared catch) --with Sometimes A Dragon:

1.) Set aside the first 50 pages, split them into six separate short stories, called The Tales of Pox) They can be back story for those interested -- like the appendixes in Lord of the Rings.
2.) The first few pages of the new beginning need to be rewritten.
3.) A bit of menace (that was in those original first 50 pages) needs to be seeded into the new first 50 pages -- foreshadowing, and such, but I don't want to overdo it.
4.) A couple of continuity glitches that will require some new short scenes.
5.)A choice of how I want to use the proper nouns. Is it too Portentous to keep using in capital letters The Master, The Silent Cathedral, The Purple Lady and so on, or do I need to replace them with their names, where possible, or alternatives (the edifice, the building, etc. for Silent Cathedral.)

Those are the things I see so far.

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