Sunday, March 27, 2011

New ways of reviewing movies.


Which movie would I like to see first: The King's Speech or Sucker Punch?

The King's Speech.

Which movie would I like to see again: The King's Speech or Sucker Punch?

Sucker Punch.


If you go to movies once a week, by all means see Sucker Punch.
If you go to movies once a month, go see Sucker Punch if you like video games or comics.
If you go to movies once a year, avoid Sucker Punch at all costs.


If you understand the terms Steam Punk or Anime, go see Sucker Punch.


If you really, really like both Quentin Tarantino and gothic horror -- go see Sucker Punch.


If you thought the Matrix was really "deep, man." Go see Sucker Punch.


If you have read an Oprah recommended book in the last year, avoid Sucker Punch.


If you go in planning to love it without really trying to love it -- avoid Sucker Punch.
If you go in planning to enjoy the visuals, and to try to like the rest -- go see Sucker Punch.


I loved Sucker Punch. The Rest of the World hates Sucker Punch. Whose side are you on?


Markus B said...

. . . your side, for a change :-)

Unknown said...

Loved it. Loved everything about it. I hate all these PC arguments going on right now. It good fun with plenty of eye candy. As I tell any fanboy/girl...steampunk nazi zombies and zepplins. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

You give a Bender a gun and send him off to a non-white place, what do you expect?

H. Bruce Miller said...

Thanks, Dunc, you just persuaded me not to waste money to go see Sucker Punch. I'll wait for Netflix to have it.

H. Bruce Miller said...

Why everybody hates Sucker Punch:

H. Bruce Miller said...

"You give a Bender a gun and send him off to a non-white place, what do you expect?"

Disgusting, nauseating story.

I'm going to be accused of "attacking our troops" for saying this, but it needs to be said: With two and a half wars going on, our armed forces are so desperate for recruits now that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I'm not saying all or even most of the troops were scraped from the bottom of the barrel, but too many obviously were. I'm sure what these "patriots" did is not unprecedented.