Thursday, February 11, 2010

Punting the football.

The article on KTVZ about the surge in student loans at C.O.C.C., makes me wonder how many people are fending off disaster by borrowing from the future. Credit cards, drawing down on cash reserves, taking side jobs, etc. etc.

People can be pretty resourceful.

I try as a matter of principle to deal with today's problems with today's resources, though that's not always possible. But the thing I ask myself is: "If I can't afford it now, what makes me think I can afford it in the future?" Especially with added cost...


Housing prices have kept dropping so consistently, I think I lost track. I'm pretty sure our house (2003 prices) is currently worth about what we paid for it. I noticed early on, that we were just below the median prices -- so assuming that's still true, our house might be worth 'slightly' more than we paid, especially since we put in some major improvements.

Doesn't matter. Our payments are reasonable, and we've paid down the principle considerably. We like our house and intend to live here for the rest of our active lives....


Interesting that there is an article on 'disability insurance' in the Bulletin, today. This is something I never even thought about doing, but Linda took it upon herself to set up. We have the example of my sister, Tina, who was helped by such a policy. Seems kind of iffy to me, but Linda has fit it into her budget.


Brother Mike won't be visiting because of the snows in Washington D.C.

Meanwhile, bright blue skies outside, hereabouts.


Was talking to employee Cameron, who was telling me that he had been drawing a diagram on the blackboard at school of the connections between werewolves, vampires and zombies. He had quite a list; but he left one out.

"What about sex?"

"True," he says. " with zombies?"

" know, werewolves and

"I suppose," Cameron mused. "It isn't necrophilia if they're still moving...."

He had a further joke about trying to hold down a zombie while putting on a condom, but I won't go there.....



So this person is charged with embezzling from St.Charles, and while charges are pending, she gets a job in Michigan, and does exactly the same thing?

You almost has to think that the second company is more at fault.

"Listen up, hens and chicks! We want you to meet our new accountant, Ms. Fox, who will be in charge of keeping count. See, ya!"


Speaking of embarrassing. The "Hot" issue of the Source. Really? You really want to go there?
Maybe I'm just an old fuddyduddy, but....that just seems cringey. It's so Paris Hilton-y; for that matter, it's so Perez Hilton-y. If they had come to take my picture, I would've said, no way. didn't they ask to take my picture?


Jasper Hedren said...

werewolves win in my book, over vamps and zombies. I just wish there were more of them. What was the objective of his study?

Unknown said...

Zombie sex had me dying I was laughing so hard. I really need to meet Cameron I think too. I miss not having any geeks that have similar interests. Seems most my friends are Star Wars, board/dice games, or video games. I could mostly care less about those things. Supernatural sex that is something I could be in on. LOL

Unknown said...

Oh...and no offense Jasper...

H. Bruce Miller said...

Re student loans: There was a story in The Bull the other day about a 42-year-old unemployed woman who's racked up $60,000 in student loan debt to get a bachelor's degree in business from COCC and OSU-Cascades. There's no way in hell that degree is worth $60,000, especially for somebody whose earning years already are half over.
