Adventure 6
Little things that are different.
Not a lot of huge pickups. What pickups there are, are midsized.
Everyone backs into parking spaces.
Their cups of coffee are small and dainty.
Basically, when you travel by plane you are cattle, being herded everywhere by exasperated cowboys.
Australians bustle as much if not more than Americans.
Light switches are cute little nobs, and have to be turned to "on." (I suppose to save energy,)
You don't pass on the highway, you "overtake."
Can't cancel reservations at the hotels, as far as I can tell.
Our rental car has a definite portside tilt. We've decided it is the car, not us. Biggest problem continues to be turning on the wipers instead of the blinkers. (55 years of muscle training.)
Food portions are also smaller.
There are McDs everywhere and thank god they all have wifi.
Australians are very very friendly and helpful to helpless old codger Americans.
I keep telling Linda, "This ain't Australia until I see a Kangaroo!" We ran into a lady at a reststop and she asked with a puzzled look, "What's with the fascination with kangaroo?"
I answered, "You come to America and we have wolves, and badgers, and opposums, and raccoons..."
"Oh," she exclaimed. "I'd really like to have a raccoon!"
"We have black bears, and coyotes, and mountain lions, and deer, and elk...but we don't have kangaroos."
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