Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm a social butterfly.

Two weeks of being disrupted; on vacation (4 days) and having family and relatives visiting (10 days).

As it happens, my office is the guest bedroom.

No access to my own computer for 14 days. None of my passwords, bookmarks. I have to use Linda's office. Linda has an Apple and I have a PC. Similar, but not the same. Simple things like refreshing the page stump me.

No access to my comics. No access to a new book off a shelf when I finish one late at night. (I search Linda's shelves -- she really likes girly fantasy.....)

I want my routine back. I'm cranky.

You know that idea I had about a social club?

Well, forget it. I just can't handle the social whirl.

How the hell does anyone with kids or any kind of social life get anything done?

On the other hand. I've also had first hand examples lately of people who live alone to whom I wanted to say, "Geez. Be flexible!"

Let that be a warning example to me.

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